Pitch Summary
In order to pitch a stock, members must follow the process outlined below:
Prepare a stock pitch using the template provided by the club (recommendation must be to BUY).
Sign up on the club's official pitch calendar
Pitch the stock in 20 minutes or less at a club meeting.
A pitch must receive at least 60% of the votes from Full Members in attendance at the meeting.
The analyst that originally pitched the idea can initiate a sell decision at any point by sending an email to the Club President and Faculty Advisors.
The analyst should then follow up with the rest of the club via an update at the next scheduled meeting or via email.
A sell can also be proposed by any Full Member for discussion at any club meeting and will be executed if it receives support from 75% or more of the Full Members attending the meeting.
Stocks in the portfolio that were pitched by graduating seniors are automatically sold after the last regular club meeting of their senior year.
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